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New Beginnings Co-Parenting   Divorced Parent Help

Divorced Parent Help

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Products for Divorced Parents - Divorced Parent Help



Dr. Kristine Turner's books may also be purchased on Amazon.

Products for Divorced Parents - Divorced Parent Help - Families Cope with Divorce the Teenage Series [click to enlarge]
Families Cope with Divorce the Teenage Series
Price: $19.95

The DVD is designed for both parents and teenagers.  It is an educational video, that includes interviews with teens who have been through divorce.  In essence, it's a chance for teenagers and parents to hear from other teens (aka their peer group) about divorce.  The DVD covers what works, and what doesn't work during a divorce process from the teenage perspective.  For parents it's a chance to get behind the scenes and find out how to help your kids traverse the divorce process.  For teens, it's a chance to hear from their peer group about coping strategies for their parent's divorce.  As we all know teens would rather listen to one another than take advise from adults.  This video does just that!  Hear from the voice of the teenagers who have lived through the divorce transition! Great tips for helping your family through the divorce process!

*  $19.95 
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Parental Responsibility Evaluator


Parenting Coordinator & Decision Maker



Online Parenting Classes



Level 1 - Parenting After Divorce Class


Level 1.5 - Parenting After Divorce Class


Level 2 - Parallel Parenting After Divorce Class




Divorced Parent Resources






Colorado Court Forms

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 New Beginnings | Kristine Turner | 558 Castle Pines Parkway, Unit B-4 #364 Castle Pines, Colorado 80108 | 303-706-9424


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